People Remain Broke All Their Life

Why people remain broke all their life

Why people remain broke all their life


I've been broke all my life. Yes, I know that sounds weird. But it's true! It's not because I'm lazy or stupid or anything like that - it's just something in my personality that makes me want to stay broke. And here are some reasons why:

Constantly on social media

Social media is a distraction. It's easy to get sucked into the vortex of social media, especially when you're feeling down or lonely, but once you're in there, it can be hard to get out. You'll see what your friends are up to and how they're living their lives (or not), which might make you feel like they're better off than you instead of vice versa.

Social media is a waste of time and energy—and money! You've got the power to control how much time and energy goes into this thing called "social media" by simply deciding not to participate in it at all; this includes deleting all your account passwords so that no one else can access them either via email or through third parties such as Facebook itself if needed for verification purposes/etc...

Staying around negetive people

People who have a lot of negative energy are often the ones you need to avoid. The biggest sign that someone is an unhappy person is if they're always complaining or complaining about other people, which means that you probably don't want to hang around them long-term.

If you feel like your friends aren't positive enough for your life, try finding new ones! There are plenty of people who would love nothing more than to get involved in something fun with someone who doesn't complain all day long and is just looking for good times.

Living in the past

The first step to living a better life is to focus on the present. If you're worried about what happened in your past or how things will turn out in the future, then it's likely that you'll stay broke for the rest of your days.

Instead of worrying about what might happen tomorrow (or even next week), start thinking about how much money you have today and how much more needs to be saved before retirement so that one day when it comes time for retirement, there will be enough left over for whatever lifestyle choices may appeal most at that point in time.

Not focusing on learning

Learning is a lifelong process. It's essential to success, and you can learn from anyone. You may think that learning has to happen in school, but there are plenty of ways to gain knowledge outside of traditional education systems.

For example, books are great for learning how to do things—like how to write an essay or read a book! They also teach you about other topics like science or history (which might not be found on your high school's curriculum). If you want more information on specific topics in particular fields, there are plenty of websites out there where experts share their knowledge with the world at large via their blog posts and videos online; these sites offer an opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing any type of career path they choose whether they're looking at becoming doctors/doctors/nurses etcetera...

If you want to succeed, take yourself seriously.

•If you want to succeed, take yourself seriously.

•If you want to be happy, take yourself seriously.

•If you want your life to be better than it is now, take yourself seriously.


Whatever you do, don’t let your past hold you back! I know that it can be hard to break free from the chains of your past, but if you want to succeed in life then it’s important that you do so. Take yourself seriously and focus on making changes today so that tomorrow will be better than yesterday.


Why people remain broke all their life


Why people remain broke all their life

1. Constantly on social media

2. Staying around negetive people

3. Living in the past

4. Not focusing on learning 

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