What We Want From Life

What we want from life

What We Want From Life


“What do you want from life?” This is a question that comes up every day. When we were kids and teenagers, this question was asked by our parents or teachers as a way to get us to think about our lives and what we wanted out of them. As adults, many of us have forgotten the significance of this question. We look at the world around us and feel like there are so many things that could change our lives for the better — but no one ever asks us again! So let's take another trip down memory lane and share with you some of our favorite answers:


Stay hydrated. Drink water when you're thirsty, and drink more than you think is necessary. It's good for your body, your mind—and it's free!

Eat healthy foods in moderation. You don't have to go crazy on the salads or avoid carbs entirely; just eat what makes you feel good and stay away from those things that make you feel bad (like chips).


You are not alone. If you're going through a tough time, there are people who understand and support you. Family, friends and professionals can help guide you through the process of overcoming your problem.

You can get help from other people in your situation if they're willing to share their story with you so that it's easier for them to understand what's going on for yourself or another person who may also need some extra guidance during this difficult time in their life (or just because).


Don't worry about what you don't have.

Don't worry about what you don't know.

Don't worry about what you can't control.

And above all, forget all those things that keep you up at night!


Stay focused.

Stay positive.

Keep going and never give up on your dreams or goals, no matter how long it takes!

Stay motivated by setting small but meaningful daily goals that will help you achieve your larger ones in the long term.

Remember that every setback is an opportunity for growth and success (and even if you're feeling down right now, remember that there are people out there who wish they could be where you are right now).


When you are young, everything is new and exciting. You don't know what's in store for you, but at the same time, all these things sound so appealing to your mind that they make it hard to focus on anything else. The world seems like an endless playground where anything can happen and nothing matters except for having fun with friends or exploring new places. You don't seem to have any worries about what will happen tomorrow or next week because there's always something else to look forward to—a movie marathon? A night out with friends? Spending time with family members who live far away from each other? Whatever it may be, we're sure that whatever happens will be more than enough for anyone!

Stay strong, stay focused, leave the rest to God

Stay strong, stay focused and leave the rest to God.

Just keep going! Don't stop! Keep working hard and trying your best at everything you do.

Keep pushing yourself to learn new things and improve every day.


Now that you’re done reading this blog post, you probably have a lot of different thoughts going on in your head. I mean, what do we want from life? What makes us happy? How should we live our lives? These are all things we can ask ourselves and wonder about at any point in time. But when it comes down to it, we all know what matters most: family and friends close by who love us unconditionally




What we want from life:

1+1+1+1+1+1+1 = 7 

What life actually is:

1+2+4-3-2+0+5 = 7

Don't stop, keep going 🚀

Results will come ❤️💯

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