What society tell you is cool

What society tell you is cool


When it comes to what society tells you is cool, there are many things that can be considered "cool". For example, if you want to live in a big city and stay busy all the time, then maybe this lifestyle will look appealing to you. However, if you prefer more peace and quiet then maybe this isn't your cup of tea. As long as both choices are possible for you then they should be acceptable!

Being your own boss

Being your own boss is a big deal. It means you can work when and where you want, no matter what time zone it is in. If you live in New York City and have an idea for a new app that could make money, working from anywhere would be ideal. You could even launch the app while on vacation if that's what makes sense for your family life or other commitments. And if one of those things goes wrong, who cares? There are plenty of other opportunities out there!

No debt

You may have heard that debt is bad, but what does that mean? Debt can be a source of stress for many people. It can cause you to lose your home, car and job. It can also cause you to lose the relationships in your life with family members, friends and coworkers. In order to avoid all these problems related to debt we need to make sure we don't get into any debt at all!

The first step toward avoiding unnecessary debt is figuring out how much money you're spending every month on things like eating out or buying clothes at retail stores like Target or Wal-Mart! Once this information has been gathered then it's time for some serious budgeting so that there isn't any room left over where cash could be saved up until later on down line (which would mean more spending overall).

Bigger expenses

You may have heard that the cost of living is high in the United States, but what you may not know is that it's also very expensive to live here. We spend a lot on housing, education, medical care and food—and every other thing we buy has to be paid for with money from our own pockets. The amount you have left over after paying all this stuff is called disposable income (DI). You can use DI to buy things like clothes or entertainment or transportation tickets for yourself or others. But DI might not be enough for buying everything you want if your DI is low compared with what other people earn—in which case they'll have more DI than you do!

Always work

You will be working for a long time. You’ll have to work on many different things and you will have to do them well, smartly and with a lot of effort. And it won’t always be easy!

You can expect your job to require you to work hard, smartly and with an excellent attitude. And if that sounds like something that would make your life easier… well then let me ask you this: Is there anything about this situation that excites or interests you? No? That's why we're here!

Retiring your parent

If you have parents, you can retire them. They will be happy to hear it, and they'll probably ask for a big favor in return: helping pay your bills while they're gone. This can be tricky because your parents might not have the money to do so on their own—especially if they don't have insurance or aren't very good with math. But don't worry! There are ways around this problem that work well for everyone involved.

Financially independent

You are financially independent.

You can live off your own money and not have to rely on anyone else for it. You can spend your money on what you want, when you want, without having to worry about whether or not that choice is going to be rewarded with a job at the end of it all. No one will ever say “you need this job so badly that I'm going to force-feed it into your mouth like some kind of food product” (unless they're talking about something else).

You also won't have to worry about giving any of your hard-earned cash away either—except maybe if someone asks for help moving their couch across town because they've just gotten a new house but forgot how much stuff came with said house when they moved in...but that's likely not going to happen often enough where being forced into paying strangers would be an issue either way!

No limit on your earning

Society tells you that it's cool to be a doctor, lawyer or teacher. They tell you what kind of car to drive and when to go on vacation.

They also tell you how much money you should earn as well as how much time off from work is appropriate for your age and gender.

They even have a formula for figuring out how much money people who don't work full-time should make (the so-called “living wage”).

You don't have to go with the flow in terms of what society tells you is "cool".

Don't be a sheep. You don't have to go with the flow in terms of what society tells you is "cool".

You can live your life without being part of that crowd, even if it means not having a lot of money or debt. You don't have to spend money on unnecessary things and you certainly don’t need to buy stuff from brands that aren’t worth it (for example, buying an expensive pair of headphones just because they're popular).


I hope this article has given you some insight into what society tells you is cool, and how you can use your own creativity to make something "cool".

What society tell you is cool !!

◽50k salary 
◽look college debt
◽Newest iphone

What actually cool !!
◽No debt
◽No limit on your earning 
◽Financially independent
◽Retiring your parent 
◽Being your own boss 

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