Take Risk

 Take Risk


We all have the same goals: to be happy, to be successful and to have a great life. But when it comes down to taking risks, some people just don't do it. They are afraid of failure and they don't want heartbreak - even though these are the things that will lead them towards their goals! However, if you're not willing to risk anything then how can you expect anything good in life?

In order to succeed you must fail

You have to fail in order to learn, and you can't learn unless you fail. In order for your dreams to come true, you must take risks. It's not always easy or comfortable when things don't go as planned; but if there is one thing that we know from experience, it's this: If something isn't working out for us—and we want it too badly—then there will be no other way than through trial and error until we find what works best for us in our lives.

If you are never rejected you will never be accepted

If you are never rejected, you will never be accepted by others. You will never be able to accept yourself. And if you don't accept yourself, how can anyone else?

If you do not risk heartbreak, you cannot love

If you do not risk heartbreak, you cannot love.

Love is a risk worth taking. It's a risk that can be painful, but it's also one that can be rewarding and worth it in the end. The best way to understand this concept is by looking at what love actually entails: giving up your own wants, needs and desires for another person’s happiness. You give up everything so they can have what they want; sometimes even more than what they want! You sacrifice yourself for them because you know how important their happiness is to yours—even if only temporarily—and once again: that's all about being willing to take risks on someone else...

Life is just a bunch of risks

Life is just a bunch of risks.

Risking is what makes life interesting, worth living and worth taking seriously. It’s part of the reason why you get up in the morning and go to work — because it will probably be your last day on Earth!


In conclusion, life is full of risks. You must take chances and be willing to fail in order to succeed. If you never risk heartbreak, then you will never love. It is important that we are not afraid or ashamed of making mistakes because they are just part of life!

Take Risk

• Taking no risks will end up being your biggest risk❌.

•You have to risk failure to succeed✅.

•You have to risk rejection to be


•You have to risk heartbreak to love❤️.

•If you're always avoiding risk, you're risking missing out on life✨.

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