Time Wasters

Six big time wasters


I'm about to ask you a question, and I want you to think carefully before answering. It's a trick question: Did you know that the average American watches five hours of TV every day? If not, then congratulations on being an exceptional human being who still has time for other things. If so, we need to talk. Here are six common ways those five hours could be spent and what it would mean if we all cut them out entirely.

Time Wasters

Watching TV

Watching TV is a big time waster. It's not productive and it's not the best way to spend your time, but there are many reasons why you should be avoiding it.

You're not being productive: If you're watching TV and thinking about what you would like to be doing instead, then your brain is being wasted while the rest of your body sits still or moves around in an unnatural way (like shuffling). This can lead to muscle tension and stiffness in addition to physical discomfort. This can also cause stress on both sides of the brain as well as other parts of our bodies if we continue watching shows that cause us stress over long periods of time (for example: watching too much Netflix).


Procrastination is a big time waster. It's the habit of delaying or postponing tasks until they become overwhelming, and then suddenly finding yourself facing an avalanche of work that you never want to do.

Procrastination causes stress and anxiety because it's so difficult to move on from something once it's started; once we've put off starting something for too long, our minds become set on doing nothing until we feel like tackling it again—and then another month goes by without us getting around to doing so.

Saying YES to everything

Saying yes to everything is a bad idea. It's important to know when to say no, and how much time you can spend on your own interests. If you don't have enough time for yourself, then it will be hard for other people in your life—including family members and friends—to understand why you're not spending more time with them.

Saying no helps us focus on what matters most in our lives: ourselves! We become more productive by having fewer distractions taking away from tasks that are important or meaningful for us personally.

Always trying to be perfect

You are not perfect. And neither is anyone else, so stop trying to be. Perfection is a myth; it doesn't exist in the real world or anywhere else for that matter.

•You will never be able to live up to your own standards of perfection; this is just something you have been told since childhood, and now it's time for you to realize that those standards aren't realistic or even possible for most people!

The only thing worth striving towards is happiness—and no amount of striving will bring about happiness faster than simply stopping any kind of striving altogether!

Worrying about small things

Worrying about small things is a big time waster. Worrying about small things doesn't make you a better person, it doesn't help you succeed and it isn't good for your health.

Worrying about small things will not help you get over that one thing that has been bothering you: whether or not she likes me, or if I should have asked her out sooner...or maybe she does like me after all? Maybe she's just busy? And why am I still so nervous about asking her out in the first place...



•See you later.

•See you tomorrow.

•See you next week.

You can say this if someone is leaving a room, or if they're going somewhere else and will be back soon (like, maybe they were late for something). It's also good for saying goodbye when you're hanging out with friends who are going home after dinner or an event—you don't want to seem rude by asking them not to leave before the party ends!


I hope these tips help you to become a better person and live a happier life!


Time Wasters

Six big time wasters ❌

1. Watching TV
2. Procrastination
3. Saying YES to everything
4. Always trying to be perfect
5. Worrying about small things

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