Life Is About Quality Over Quantity

The older you get, the more you realise that life is about quality over quantity.


As you get older, your life will inevitably change. You'll start to realise what's really important and what's not. I've been there, so I know how it feels: when I was younger and less wise about the world, my focus was constantly on stuff like "How many new friends do I have?" or "How many other people are going out tonight?" But now that I'm older and wiser (and more boring), my thinking has changed: instead of focusing so much on quantity over quality, I'm more concerned with getting things right.

Life Is About Quality Over Quantity

One quality friend gives you more than 100 acquaintances.

One quality friend gives you more than 100 acquaintances.

We all have that one person in our lives who knows us well, understands us, and loves us unconditionally. This is the person who can always make us smile when we're down—and it’s not because they tell jokes or share funny experiences with you. No, it's because they see through all of your flaws and failures, no matter how big or small those may be (or even if there are none). They don't judge or criticize because they know how hard things are for YOU at any given moment in time; instead, they understand where YOU'RE COMING FROM—and that makes all the difference!

One quality relationship will give you more than 100 flings.

You’re going to have a lot of opportunities in life—but the relationships that last are the ones that matter.

You may think you need lots of different people in your life because it feels good to be surrounded by friends and colleagues, but if those connections all turn out to be fleeting, then they won't help you grow as a person or create lasting change. That's why I recommend focusing on quality over quantity when it comes to building relationships with others: one quality relationship is better than 100 acquaintances; one quality mentor is better than 100 networking contacts; and one quality workout routine is better than 100 half-ass sessions at the gym (and we're not even mentioning all those Instagram followers).

One quality experience gives you more than 100 nights out.

The truth is, you can't get a good night out if you are not in the right mood. You need to be in the right environment, with people who share your interests and values. You also need to have an attitude that will let you enjoy yourself without being judgmental or critical of others. Finally, it helps if you have expectations for yourself as well as others—for example: "I'm here tonight because I want to meet new people who share my interests."

One quality mentor gives you more than 100 networking contacts.

One quality mentor gives you more than 100 networking contacts.

Mentors are people who have more experience and knowledge than you, but who also care about your career goals. A good mentor will help you learn new skills, give advice and support in achieving your goals, avoid mistakes, connect with people and generally make life easier for the both of you!

So how do I find one? The first thing is to ask yourself “what am I looking for?” This may sound obvious but it's important because there are so many different types of mentors out there! Here are some examples:

•Technical Mentors - These can be software engineers or hardware engineers working at a company like Apple or Google who want to teach their younger colleagues how they built their products/services using specific technical languages like Python or C++ (or maybe even JavaScript). They might also offer guidance on how best use open source software development tools such as GitLab or Slack if these aren't already familiar territory for someone just starting out in software development..

One quality workout gives you more than 100 half-ass sessions at the gym.

One quality workout gives you more than 100 half-ass sessions at the gym.

When it comes to staying fit and healthy, there are a lot of factors at play—the food you eat, how much sleep you get each night, your stress levels and more. But one thing that can make all the difference is what we call "workouts."

A typical run or bike ride may only be around 20 minutes long (or less), but if it's done properly then it will burn 2-3 times as many calories as if you were doing nothing at all! This means that even though we're not running on pavement or riding down hills on our bikes—we're still getting our bodies moving in a way that helps us build muscle tissue over time without having to spend hours in the gym every day working out like crazy just so they'll look good naked after 30 days worth of training."

One quality conversation stimulates your mind and soul more than 100 small talk sessions.


We hope that this list has given you some inspiration. The key is to do something important, not many things. You don’t need to do everything in life at once—in fact, we think it’s best if you don’t try to do too much at once. Instead of thinking about your life as one big project with a set timeline and deadlines, think about each thing as an opportunity for growth and personal development. By focusing on quality over quantity, you will be able to make the most out of each day!


Life Is About Quality Over Quantity


The older you get, the more you realise that life is about quality over quantity.

One quality friend gives you more than 100 acquaintances.

One quality relationship will give you more than 100 flings.

One quality experience gives you more than 100 nights out.

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