If your dreams are big you have to work hard

If your dreams are big you have to work hard

If your dreams are big you have to work hard


"If your dreams are big enough, you have to work hard" is a common quote from motivational speaker Tony Robbins. It's not really original, but it's an extremely effective way to remind yourself that even though you dream of something in life it doesn't mean that you will get there without effort and sacrifice.

One of the things I love about Tony Robbins is his genuine passion for what he does and how he delivers his message. He truly loves helping people achieve their goals because he knows how much they can do with their lives if they just put in an honest effort. So when this quote pops up at the end of one of his talks I think "wow, this guy knows what he's talking about."

Genuinely love what you do.

If you want your dreams to come true, you need to really love what you do. You have to be willing to put in the hard work and take risks.

You also have to be willing to fail because if it doesn't work out then at least you know that failure isn't as bad as being stuck doing something boring or unfulfilling forever.

Discover your true passion

You have to discover your true passion. If you are not passionate about something, it will be hard for you to do it every day. You need to find what makes you excited and passionate.

Find out what excites and interests you in life, then find a way of doing that in the work place. For example, if someone says: “I want to be an entrepreneur” – this is not necessarily a bad thing for them but it might not fit well with their career path or line of work that they have chosen so far.

The best thing about finding out what makes YOU happy and fulfilled is that once this happens then everything else flows from there: Your relationship with yourself becomes better; Your relationships with others become stronger; And most importantly - Your dreams become real!

Don't read self-help books.

•Don't read self-help books. For example, if your dream is to become a famous painter and you want to start painting in the morning, it's not going to happen by reading how other people have succeeded at their dreams. It's better for you to just do what makes sense for your situation, rather than following someone else's advice blindly.

•Don't try too hard in school or work because then you'll end up overworking yourself and ending up with nothing accomplished at all!

Work your ass off.

Dreams are big. And they're worth chasing, or at least working hard for. You can't just dream about them and then expect them to come true without any effort on your part. You need to work your ass off—and not just because it's fun or feels good (although those things are definitely bonuses).

You need to work hard because that's what will get you results and make sure everything happens as planned in the end! If all of your dreams came true without any effort from anyone else involved in their creation, then what would happen? The world would be a much different place than it is today...

if you want to get the best out of yourslef you have to work hard and never give up

It's important to remember that your dreams are big, and that means they're going to take time and effort. If you want the best out of yourself, then you have to work hard. You have to be willing to take risks and try new things, even when it feels scary or uncertain.

It's also important for people who dream big not only accept failure as part of the process but learn from it too: how did I do? What did I learn from this experience? What can I do differently next time when faced with similar circumstances (or no circumstances at all)? In order for these lessons not be lost forever, we need people like us around who will tell us their stories so we can learn from them too!


If you want to get the best out of yourslef you have to work hard and never give up.

If your dreams are big you have to work hard

This is how billionaires use their time 💸🔥

- Elon Musk Works 80 to 100 hrs per week

- Bill Gates used to work 16 hrs per day in beigning of his career

- Jack Dorsey stated he works 18 hrs a day 🤯🥵

And you get tired just after work 2 mins ❓

If your dreams are big you have to work hard ✅

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