Bad Habits

 Bad Habits 

Bad Habits


We all know that we should stop doing bad things, but most of us don't. We make excuses and rationalize why it's okay to do something negative. It's not! In fact, there are plenty of things you can do to improve your life and make yourself happier overall. So here are some BAD habits you should stop right now:

Hanging around Negative people

Hanging around negative people is one of the most common ways to get dragged down by their negativity. Negative people can make you feel bad about yourself and make you second-guess your own opinions, thoughts and beliefs. They may even convince you that they know what's best for you which is not always the case!

Negative people tend to drag others down with them when they're around. A bad habit like this can lead to many other habits, including procrastination because we don't want our friends (or family members) thinking poorly about us if we don't participate in something as a group or join in on an activity together.

Instead of spending your time feeling bad about yourself and being around negative people, find ways to surround yourself with positive influences. When you're happy, it's easier to get things done because you have more energy and motivation. You'll feel good about what you're doing instead of worrying that someone might judge you.

Dwelling on the past is one of the most common bad habits that people have. It is important to move on from your past, as it will only serve to make you feel depressed and down about yourself. 

Negative people are not only annoying to be around, but they can really drag you down. When a person is negative, it makes them look bad and gives off an impression that they don't believe in themselves. This can make you second-guess your own opinions, thoughts and beliefs because they seem so sure of theirs. If someone is always complaining about something or someone else making it worse for them, then chances are high that person is projecting their issues onto others rather than taking responsibility for


Dwelling on the PAST

Dwelling on the past is one of the most common bad habits that people have. It is important to move on from your past, as it will only serve to make you feel depressed and down about yourself. You should try not to think about how things were in the past or what could have been better, because this will only cause you stress and anxiety.

If you want to stop dwelling on your mistakes from years ago and start focusing on building yourself up now, here are some tips:

• Focus on what you can do differently next time around. For example: "I could have done more research before making this decision" or "Next time I am going out with some friends after work instead of staying home alone like last. night."

Bad Habits


Exercise is a great way to improve your health, but it's also good for your mind and body. When you exercise, the endorphins that are released into your system help reduce stress and make you feel better overall. In addition, exercise reduces blood pressure and cholesterol levels in people with high cholesterol or heart disease; improves bone density; reduces symptoms of certain mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety disorders; increases self esteem (which can help with socializing problems); improves mood; helps people sleep better at night by releasing serotonin into their systems which gives them an increase feeling of happiness throughout the day or night after exercising regularly every week for about 12 weeks!

If there were any bad habit I wanted to give up completely today would definitely be lack of EXERCISE! While some people may think that getting regular physical activity doesn't require much effort because they already walk around most places where we live-but believe me when I say this type of activity does take some effort especially if done properly so make sure yours are always done right before. bedtime so no more late nights turning down lights etc...

▸ Always on your PHONE

Social media is a great way to stay connected with friends and family, but it can also be harmful. The constant stream of notifications from your phone can make you feel isolated and lonely-and if you're not careful with your time spent on social media, it could even cause depression or anxiety.

To avoid this problem:

Take breaks from your phone (if possible) every few hours. Going offline for an hour or two can help reset your mental state so that when you come back online again later in the day, there will be less negative energy built up from being disconnected from others who care about what's going on in your life right now.

Having a poor DIET

Eat healthy.

• Avoid fizzy drinks.

. Eat less sugar, processed food and carbs.

Eat red meat less than once a week or even once every two weeks. . Avoid salt and saturated fat in your food as much as possible

(these are bad for your health).

Bad Habits

▸ Staying up too LATE

Staying up late can lead to poor sleep, which can lead to a whole host of problems. In fact, staying up late might be the biggest cause for concern when it comes to your health.

You should aim for going to bed at a reasonable time (ideally within eight hours of when you go to bed). If you're having trouble sleeping, try exercising in the afternoon before your nap or workout session so that your body has time to relax and recover from its activity levels during the day.

These are all negative ways to live your life.

Hanging around Negative people is a bad habit because they will drag you down with them, and the more time you spend with them the more negative energy you absorb.

Dwelling on the PAST is also a bad habit because it can lead to depression and low self esteem.

Lack of EXERCISE is another bad habit that can lead to weight gain and even diabetes if not controlled properly by eating right, exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight for your height (or body type).

Always being on your PHONE instead of focusing on what's happening in front of you is another way to waste time which means less time spent doing things that bring enjoyment into our lives such as going out with friends or family members who appreciate us for who we really are rather than just "someone else."


Now that you know how to stop these bad habits, it's time to make some changes. Take action and start working on your negative behaviors today!





•Hanging around NEGATIVE people
•Dwelling on the PAST
•Always on your PHONE
•Having a poor DIET
•Staying up too LATE 

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